Thursday, February 7, 2013

A Case Study on Marie Forleo

In this video Tony Robbins interviews Marie Forleo for The New Money Masters Program. They discuss how Marie went from trading on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, to working for various magazines, and finally determining what her life purpose was. This Tony Robbins interview proves that you can start with nothing and transform your life into one of purpose, success and happiness.

A Case Study on Marie Forleo
So how exactly does Marie Forleo start with a one-woman shop and build a digital home study courses such as Rich, Happy & Hot B-School with so much recognition that Sir Richard Branson invites her to South Africa to mentor other young entrepreneurs? Or what about developing such a powerful word of mouth engine that it stimulates a global community of 50,000 women in 108 countries? It’s nothing short of amazing!

Her 'Rich, Happy & Hot' brand is dedicated to empowering women with tools to create financial, spiritual and emotional wealth through entrepreneurship. Doing business online is the new reality and you don't have to be sleazy to succeed. In fact, if you have a product, service or message that you're committed to get out into the world...
Get inspired and take action weekly with Marie: sign here for B-school 
or check Marie Forleo web page   
Kindly share your thoughts in the comments below. You'll Thank Me Later, Lana & Jack 

Please visit  My Angel Linas Blog

Affirmation for the day:
" Everyone benefit from your happiness. Invest in YOU daily."- Marie Forleo

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