Monday, October 8, 2012

Top Keys to Fire Up Your Blogging Audience

Once you decide to bring your business online, there are certain things that you need to be doing to be effective in your new venture. Simply creating a website or blog, putting it live on the web, writing a few articles and thinking that it all that you need to have success is being delusional. There is much, much more that you need to learn and implement. Blog, baby, blog. Absolutely Blog! You need to promote Yourself and not your company or your affiliates. Share your brand and market to your niche, your audience by...
Stand Out! The old saying that "if you are not standing out, you are blending in!" is still true.
{Image sourced from Daily Blogma}
 You want to be different, so begin by thinking outside the box. How  can you present your service and/ or products differently from your competitors? What sets you apart from others? Promote! Period. Show your audience that you are an expert in your field by blogging articles. Blog is a great places where you can share your knowledge. Share on other platforms, all over the web. Get yourself out there; if you are incognito, how do you suppose your prospective clients are going to find you? All your interactions over the internet should ALWAYS be leading your audience back to your blog - your store. That is your business area. On social sites, you build relationships, share bits of your knowledge and information. At your store, you do business. On your blog you could share an article, then comment on it. Be Active! 
Post regularly, viewers look at your contest; then they check out post dates. Write at least 300-500 words for each article. Let me say that blogging is kinda as effective as using advertising! Really... you use your content to tweet, post, promote! It is advertising. I really encourage you to blog; there's no better way to establish yourself as an authority in your field. 
Don't be afraid to show your products & services. This is where you put who you are on display for the world to see. Visit other sites that relate to you: like and comment, leave a link to your site and you will get more visitors. It will also improve your ranking, and boost your SEO/ Search Engine Optimization.    

Keywords - the important Words, Always keep watch over the keywords you are using. This is very important as it helps Search Engines like Bing, Google and Yahoo to find you. Find others in your niche and exchange posts.Your guest bloggers have followers too; they will be reading your article and your followers will be reading theirs. You promote them, they promote you. It's win-win situation and you increase your visibility. Cool!
"Well, this has been fun - but that's it for today. Hope you enjoyed the information!
Thanks for visiting, please leave comments below. I appreciate you..."

It's wonderful vehicle for creating pages to sell your products, do some marketing, or just get your message out into the world. I love blogging. It's open up a whole world to me. Thanks Norma for great tips.
 Lana & Jack

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