Friday, September 14, 2012

How to Create An Impression as a Blogger?

If you're a beginning blogger, you might have fewer regular readers, and most of them are your friends and family. And let's face it, have you ever thought that why few bloggers and their blogs are so much popular than yours? Why they have many visitors, subscribers and readership? Why they get a slew of tweets, shares and pins for their posts? And how they have achieved these milestones? I've personally asked these questions to people who are actively working on content writing, blogging and online marketing.
Almost everyone answered the same way: their contents are unique and interesting, they write about different topics every time which people are actually looking for, they market their contents very well through social media channels and optimize their blogs well which bring them the results.
Install Google Analytics, and look at the average amount of time visitors are staying on your website. For most traffic sources, anything less than two minutes is bad. If you are at less than one minute, then your content is repelling people. You can do better.
People don't come to your blog to find out what you think. They come for solutions to their problems. The moment you stop talking about them is the moment they stop reading. Great writing is about intimacy. Find out what makes your readers excited, what's going through their minds and keeps them up at night. Then use it in your blog posts. You'll be communicating with them on such a deep, emotional level that it will be impossible for them to ignore you.
It's all about the "IMPRESSION" you create in front of your readers or visitors, that eventually takes you to the pinnacle. Tell me friends, which is just that One Thing that any business owner would want to make in front of his clients and customers? Well it's the "IMPRESSION" that everyone wants to create on  others; it's the SOUL of the blogging to gain popularity and success on the web world. Now how to create that impression as blogger or writer? It's not so difficult my friends. If they can, then you can as well. You just need to think a bit more, research and plan about more. Believe in yourself and remember that we all blessed with qualities, but only need to brush them up and make it glow more!!

If you've been blogging for less than six months, there's almost nothing you can do; your content is going to suck to some degree. Keep your chin up, expect to be ignored, and just keep going. You'll get good soon. So, what are you waiting for? Hurry up and get started. Happy Blogging, Lana & Jack

This thoughts are from article, which was Posted by Alex Bond