Friday, August 21, 2009

The Formula for Getting Wealthy

Congratulation Matt & Megan Paddock,
New Master Coordinators!

“Once we decided to put 75% of our time into income producing activities–of sharing the SAME story over and over again, 15% into training, and 10% into A–Team encouragement and accountability, we got out of the parking lot and onto the highway.”
People don't get rich by accident. There is a science of getting rich, and it is an exact science, like algebra or arithmetic. There are certain law which allow (or prevent) the accumulation of wealth. Once you know how to use this law, you will get rich with mathematical certainty. Yes, you can learn how to get wealthy and we will help you all the way On Your Journey to Financial Freedom.
"When you have everything to gain if successful and nothing to lose if you fail, then by all means give it a try!" - W Clement Stone (billionaire)

FastTRACK to Executive Coordinator in Shaklee
in 15 month

Become a Shaklee Gold Ambassador. Set a rank goal and make a commitment to the "Power of Three". Help Shaklee reach one million families with this powerful strategy. Identify and sponsor 3 GOLD ambassadors and 10 consumers in the process-- and when you change ranks, do it again.
3 & 10 Do It Again!