Thursday, October 9, 2008

Blog Mastermind Series:

I realize with all the financial doom and gloom reports coming from the news you might be thinking that you can't afford to join any program. Why…What’s holding you back? Probably fear of rejection or No Time, No Money…We all hear that so many times, that…I better don’t even go there now.
Let’s look what others have to say about making the priority decision to Build Your Own Business.
“WHY didn't they follow through, while others do? Why do most people fail when a select few succeed?
Those who do succeed have a Core Desire to do so. Those who don't share that same Core level of desire will not. Desire...Everyone I talk to has the desire to make more money. The difference is in their level of desire.
The only time anything ever gets done in your life - When you follow it through to completion with a sense of urgency, is when you desire to accomplish that task at Core Level of 100 on a scale of 100.
You must accomplish it. It's a part of you. It consumes you.
It dominates your thoughts above and beyond anything else each day and all day.
These are Core desires, and the people who achieve notable success in network marketing, have that accomplishment as a core desire.
They are the ones you see on stage and hear on the training calls.
That's it. That's the secret.”- Mike Dillard shares his thoughts in Magnetic Sponsoring newsletter.
Interesting, isn’t it? The key to success is the level of your commitment, how willing you are to do what it takes to be...let’s say “The Next Accidental Millionaire”?
How to end self sabotage and fear, stop filling others people pockets and start filling your own?
If you want something that you’re never had, then you must do something that you’re never done! Make Something Happen!
Network Marketing has probably made more millionaires than any other business opportunity and it can make one of you too - but it takes time. Stay the course and reap the harvest. This is The Winning Game, and most people play The Waiting Game!
I believe that home-based business will be solution to many people's problems. All you need is a Burning Desire and the Great Mentor to lead you all the way! Let me tell you something important from my personal experience and research:
In Network Marketing---No Limits On Income! Let’s Build a Better Business Together and Create a Better Lifestyle For Everyone!
Lana & Jack